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About Us

We’re Bed Bug Eradication and Preparation Experts. As early adopters, we pioneered the bed bug preparation process years ago, and other start ups followed our example.  But we continue to improve our methodologies so you get the very best and fastest Bed Bug Eradication. We’ve been stomping out Bed Bugs in New York for over 10 years, and Cleaning Green in NYC for over 35 years with thousands of happy clients. Our track record speaks volumes.

Having Bed Bugs in your home creates enormous emotional and physical stress on you and your family. Not only are we experts at the physical aspect of Bed Bug Prep, our empathetic professional Client Care team is available live every day of the year from 7 am to 10 pm to just listen to you, answer questions or hold your hand and guide you through the entire process. At one of the most stressful times, we’re here for you, we promise.