What to do if you have Bed Bugs in Brooklyn
by Bed Bug Prep NY — March 11, 2020 in Bed Bugs, Health & Well-Being

If you live in Brooklyn and think you may have bed bugs you may be wondering what to do about them, Bed bugs are making a comeback after being close to extermination in this country in the 1940s and this variety of bed bug is even harder to get rid of. First it is important to establish whether your home in Brooklyn has bed bugs before you take the steps to exterminate them, the methods used for bed bugs is somewhat different than that used for fleas, and requires a few different steps since bed bugs tend to hide in more places.
Don’t wait!
Bed bugs are flat wingless creatures that tend to live in your bedding but may also live in a number of other places as well. Their size and shape allows them to survive in many cracks and crevices unseen, they can also hide in excessive clutter that you may have lying around your house, furniture, or in carpets, wall molding, and even loose wallpaper. Bed bugs can survive up to a year in a vacant apartment without a host to feed on. If you are moving to an apartment in Brooklyn bed bugs may be an issue so you may want to have it sprayed before you move in.
One of the most important things you need to do when you find out that your apartment in Brooklyn has bed bugs is to clean your apartment thoroughly. You will need to have a professional service come out and spray your home but before they can do that you should clean your home top to bottom otherwise there is a good chance that the bed bugs will come back. Start by removing all the excess clutter from your home, be sure to clear under bed, in closets and anywhere there is clutter that can harbor these pests.
You may wish to have a professional cleaning service come in and steam clean all of your carpets and furniture, this will get rid of a lot of the bed bugs all on its own. Keep in mind that the old advice that keeping your house clean will prevent bed bugs and will get rid of them simply will not work. While a good cleaning will help to eliminate many of them, when you have bed bugs in the wallboards there is simply no way that the bed bugs in your Brooklyn apartment will be eliminated by a thorough bed bug prep.
A professional cleaning designed for bed bugs however will eliminate the majority of an infestation provided it is not a severe one. Once your home is clean then you can have an exterminator come out and complete the process if necessary. It is a good idea to use a professional to take care of bedbugs in your Brooklyn home, this will ensure they are thoroughly eliminated the first time. If you would like more information about bedbug and assistance in eliminating them from your home Bed Bug Prep NY can help.
Here is an article from CBS news about the current Bed Bug Situation in New York. We found some of this information about protecting yourself from Bed Bug Infestation very helpful.
NEW YORK (CBS 2) – Bedbugs have been invading New York City, popping up at public establishments in Times Square, SoHo, and Brooklyn recently. Now, many residents are wondering what they can do to stave off the bugs.
People are the mass transit for bedbugs, as the creepy crawlers hitch a ride on your clothes and end up in your home.
There’s no need to worry though, as CBS 2’s Kirstin Cole learned about the latest weapons in the bedbug battle from the experts.
The pest management conference at Rutgers University is where the big guys go to check out the latest in battling bedbugs.
“They’re the hardest to get rid of – once you get them, they require a lot of labor and a lot of work, and there’s the creep factor,” urban etymologist Paul Bello said.
Bello specializes in fighting large-scale bedbug infestations, and his commitment runs deep.
“I have bedbugs at home that I to feed. See those little red dots?” Bello said.
He lets bed bugs feed on him every eight weeks as part of his research.
The pest control industry is embracing everything bedbug. It turns out consumers will pay hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars to get rid of the pests.
Chemicals and traps were everywhere at the conference, as were mattress wraps to protect your bed from the bugs. Pest Heat will send a boiler-hot blast into your home to rid it of pests, or Bed Bugs and Beyond will take a whole-home approach to fumigation.
If the bugs finally force you out of your home, you can fumigate your entire moving truck for $1,500.
Experts say people are the carriers. Bedbugs are exploding in retail, as seen when our canine expert, Ellie, found them at four out of six locations on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue during a CBS 2 undercover investigation. The bugs hitchhike in on returned merchandise, and with employees’ and shoppers personal belongings.
For that reason, anything bought at a store should get 20 minutes in the dryer when it comes home. The heat of the dryer will kill the bugs and their eggs.
Dr. Steven Kells trains and lectures for hotels and stores, and warns that being proactive is vital to keeping the pests away.
“What you want to avoid is the mobile population of bedbugs, the bedbugs that are going to get onto your dirty laundry, are going to get into your suitcase, and are going to be carried home with you,” Dr. Kells said.
When you’re staying at a hotel, it’s a good idea to check out your room immediately. Pull back sheets and inspect ticking at all four corners of the mattress. Then look behind the headboard and inspect the luggage valet rack.
Stay bug-free by storing your luggage in the bathtub, which bedbugs can’t climb, and keep all toiletries zipped up in bags – it’ll keep you from bringing home unwanted souvenirs.
Another tip: when you’ve been in any public place you suspect could have bedbugs, go home and immediately change out of your clothes, put them into a closed plastic bag, and get them directly into the dryer for 20 minutes.
Our experts say it’s a trick that has kept them bug-free for years.
To properly prepare for your upcoming Bed Bug Treatment.
Contact Bed Bug Prep NY now.